How to Talk to Dad About Scheduling Family Photos

How do we convince dad to get those family photos scheduled?

There's a popular misconception among people that all dads hate photo sessions, but this couldn't be further from the truth. In my experience as somebody who has worked with many different families and photographers over time, I've found no real trend in guys being more difficult or unwilling... 

A lot of times it might seem like they do at first because you're asking them to stand still while someone takes your picture - something most adults would rather avoid if possible! But then again sometimes we just need those pictures taken so badly. 

Dad, I know you’re not feeling great about this whole “acting again" thing.

Here we are going to talk through some of the most common reasons dad doesn’t want to have photos taken… have an open mind and let’s chat through them all. Also enjoy these amazing fatherhood images with with dad and his son.

Dad thinks Aunt Karen can take just as good photos on the phone: 

Okay. Yes, smartphone cameras are pretty good and I won't’ argue I have seen some pretty incredible phone photos. 

But there is a little more that goes into it. 

A professional family photographer is going to be able to provide you an experience that Aunt Karen with the smartphone isn’t going to be able to replicate. A professional family photographer will be able to pull out real moments and real memories that might not happen in any other situation.  

Dad doesn’t like being in front of a camera: 

Who does? HAHA.... maybe a model.  

We all have insecurities and can feel awkward when we feel like we are “acting.” 

If you are hiring me for the first time, we really aren’t friends yet (but I love changing that!!) When you take the time to get really good at something, it can pay off in spades! That's why I always recommend that first-time clients go with someone who knows what they're doing - because even though no one wants their photo taken without asking for help every five seconds (or whatever), there will inevitably come a point where having an experienced photographer makes sense if only due so as professionals know how much discomfort people often feel during sessions like these anyway...and just think about all those awkward moments where somebody 

This is also a reason why I try my best to get Mom and Dad on the phone (or Zoom) before their first session with me. I want you to see and know my face, but also know that you are in great hands, that I am going to take care of you and do my best to serve you. 

Dad doesn’t like the stress it causes mom: 

Okay, I get this one. And I am 100% guilty of stressing over family pictures and taking it out on my husband, even though I know he isn’t to blame. From my crazy kids, to feeling rushed, and wanting perfection even though I know it's not realistic.  

If you want to make sure your family photos are great, it can be a really stressful time. BUT that's exactly why hiring an experienced professional is the way forward! Hiring the right photographer for your family should help to alleviate the stress. 

Why should you care about what everyone else is wearing or how they're doing their best to put a smile on for the camera? You hired me, didn't you? Simply said: That's my job! 

Dad thinks the photo session is too much money: 

Yes, if you're hiring an experienced professional who knows what they are doing and providing a quality service experience it will definitely not going to be cheap, you may be looking at $400-$700 (price based in Ohio). 

But let's go back to Aunt Karen with a smartphone taking your pictures. How much did that phone cost $500-$1,000? And yes, I get that the phone is used for way more than taking pictures, but if you wanted a great phone to take your photos that is a cost you would have. But you are losing ALL the benefits that a professional family photographer will provide you. 

Dad thinks fitting a photo session into the schedule is to hard: 

 because I am a mom of three. So, kids' schedules can be nuts, especially when they are in so many activities and you don’t want to miss anything. 

There really is no way around it, so let me tell you what I do for my clients, this aspect of my business is very important to me. 

No, I do not work weekends, because my family still has to be a priority.  


  1. I only take on one family session per evening. I am not attempting to juggle multiple family schedules each day. 

  1. Reschedules happen. While it's not ideal, as a mom I know that things happen. 

  1. I only take a specific number of sessions each month. So, if a reschedule happens I have made my calendar accessible and you are a priority! 

Dad hates to “say cheese:” 

Good!! I do too. 

I am a child-led, directional-prompting, lifestyle photographer. 

What does that all mean?? HAHA 

This means I help guide your family through our session together. The goal is to capture real moments, real laughter, and real emotion. 

Dad hated the last photography experience: 

If you are a first-time client of mine, I ask A LOT of questions. I don’t do it to be annoying, I promise. I genuinely want to know. I want to provide a unique experience and an experience that is specific to you. 

So, I will ask about your last family photos. What did you love, what did you dislike, and what can I do to make sure the things you disliked don’t happen again.  

Photographers are all very different, from session flow, to how they shoot, how they edit, etc. And I will do my best not to repeat things that were undesirable in the past. 

If you are ready to talk more, or you want to get on the phone with dad schedule your FREE phone consultation today.  


July 4th Themed Play Date | Tuscora Park, New Philadelphia


How often should you take family photos?