Simplicity of Grace Blog

I am so happy you are taking the time to visit my blog, as you will see I have a lot to say! So, let me tell you something simple, there's nothing quite like capturing unforgettable moments with your family. I love sharing my amazing session, tips & tricks for families getting ready for photos, and of course, helping share knowledge with other photographers to better serve their clients.

Magic can be made anywhere - anytime.

July 4th Themed Play Date | Tuscora Park, New Philadelphia
PERSONAL Katie Finnicum PERSONAL Katie Finnicum

July 4th Themed Play Date | Tuscora Park, New Philadelphia

This year, we had a play date scheduled. I told everyone to wear their best RED, WHITE, AND BLUE — it's almost like they can sense what clothes will make them look good or something! The kids met at our local park before heading off together on this adventure of ours (which also happened involve some serious popsicle-eating). 

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